Note that there is a Bug in PPRO 1.5 that will randomly stop rendering a long clip with an Auto filter. 6.6 Incorrect format of Timecodes in "Clip Usage" popup menu.6.5 Certain types of metadata not propogated.6.4 Setting sequence-marks stops playback.6.3 Entire sequence is exported instead of work area.6.2 Progressive clips are interpreted as interlaced.4.29 Windows Aero causes snapping problems.4.28 Trim window causes the render bar to turn red.4.27 Timewarp effect and video turns black.4.26 Start Timecode for Sony HDV clips wrong.4.25 Speed change and reverse speed causes green tint.
#Adobe premiere 6.0 rendered clip lagging serial
4.2 1440x1080 anamorphic HD footage will not export from AME.4.1 Time Remapping Red Cam Raw Footage Corrupts Project file.3.13 Video scaling bug in SD export from HD timeline.3.12 Transitions don't initialize when replacing an existing transition.3.11 Too many fonts or corrupt fonts crash keyboard customization.3.9 Posterize Time filter makes reversed clips invisible.3.8 Rendered clips no longer rendered when opening the project.2.15 Transitions don't initialize when replacing an existing transition.2.6 Exporting or rendering a TGA image sequence throws an error.2.2 Auto-play DVD with no menu ignores DVD markers.1.4 Title crawl moves in the wrong direction.